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This is the online site for the experimental presentation for the Idolon >> website by


Niels van Geest  M.Sc.

information engineer / software engineer


+316 4299 8580


I am currently available as a (semi-) free-lance software engineer, MS Access expert, Excel and VBA programmer or as an information engineer for your business intelligence project.



  1. MS Access information constructions
  2. Recent projects
  3. Contact-data



  1. (Van) Geest - ghost image
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idolon_tribus >>


An idolon (or eidolon) tribus is a form of prejudice, by which someone inappropriately extends norms or tenets that apply to the natural constitution of his species to the rank of universal truths. Idola tribus of the human race would be what is usually termed anthropomorphism, not only in the narrower sense of ascribing human-like features to non-human entities — such as God, animals or natural forces —, but also when certain traits of human reasoning or emotional constitution are uncritically deemed to pertain to the object being analysed.

The term is Latin, meaning "idol of the tribe", although idolon is in itself a Latin borrowing from a Greek word meaning image. The alternate spelling eidolon preserves the Greek root more closely. It was introduced by Sir Francis Bacon in his Novum Organum, a treatise on logic and scientific method, to name one of the dangers that the philosopher faces in the process of thought. These dangers or idols are ingrained notions that challenge his ability to differ from established notions. Besides idola tribus, there are also idola specus, idola fori and idola theatri.


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